Knightsbridge Crown Court
Harrods Estates Ltd.
M.L. Design Group
Main Contractor:
Raymond and Brendan Fearon Brickwork
W.T. Lamb & Sons Cut Face Medium Red Rubber material formed into Gauged Arches and highly carved relief panels

In January 2001 Lambs were approached by Skanska Construction UK Limited to survey an existing decorative doorway which had been originally manufactured from TLB Red Rubber Material.

The doorway was extremely intricate with large areas of relief carved brickwork, including Swag Details and Carved Corinthian Capitals, all these details were formed in gauged bricks with 2mm joints and because of constant wear over the years and lack of maintenance the Planning Authority insisted the doorway be replaced with an exact copy of the Gothic doorway.

Lambs submitted samples and a report of their findings to the contractor and an official quotation was forwarded to Skanska Construction for their consideration. On the 11 April 2001 Lambs received an official order from Skanska Construction to manufacture a replacement doorway and the decorative bricks were delivered to site within six weeks.

The photographs to the right clearly demonstrate Lambs commitment to deliver high quality ornate carved brickwork on time to meet the expectations of their clients.

Lambs look forward to demonstrating our expertise as master brick manufacturers, through the supply of our materials to your projects.

Lambs CAD scaled production drawing from which individual templates were extracted for production purposes.

An example of a hand carved urn manufactured in our TLB Red Rubber Material to replicate the existing design seen on site.

A section of new gauged TLB Red Rubbers packaged and ready to lay in the work with carved swan detail and profiled soffit.

Carved Corinthian Capital produced in our TLB Red Rubber Material for the Knightsbridge Crown Court's refurbishment.

The reproduction TLB Red Rubber gateway – a testament to the skills of our master brick masons and those of the bricklayers.


Our experienced technical consultants would be happy to answer your questions about any of our products or materials. Contact us to discuss what you need.

01403 785141

Copyright © WT Lamb & Sons Limited, Trading and Lambs Bricks & Stone.
2025 All Rights Reserved Company Registered in England and Wales.
Samples are indicative of the texture and colour of our material.
No warranty is given or implied that goods will in all respects be equal to the sample.