Copings and pier caps

As well as producing standard pier caps and copings from natural stone or red brick, our experience and skill in brick-making and stone masonry enable us to create replicas for renovations and extensions too. These all-important final touches to garden walls and pillars are available in limestone, sandstone or in our high-quality handmade brick specials. These clay bricks can are either moulded, cut or rubbed to achieve their distinctive shapes.

Natural stone porticos and porches
Our stonemasons can craft the columns and entablatures for your portico from any of our masonry stones. For renovations or restorations, we stock Wealden Sussex Sandstone and Yorkstone, as well as Port Regent limestone, which can be used to replace Portland Stone, and Port Lime, which emulates Bath Stone.

These stones can be moulded, tooled and finished to create plain or decorative coping stones. Some of our stones can also be more roughly shaped, with a split face to give the wall a more rustic character.
Standard stone pier caps and coping stones
For new builds and extensions, our standard natural stone coping or cappings stones made from Wealden Sussex Sandstone, Port Lime or Port Regent offer excellent value for money.

Download/View the specifications for our standard pier caps and copings [PDF]
Capping bricks and specials for pier caps
Contact us to discuss the brick specials you wish to replace, or those that you envisage. Besides manufacturing British Standard specials, which can be used for capping, we can also design and manufacture specials to your specifications.

More about brick specials
Technical Drawings

Our experienced technical consultants would be happy to answer your questions about any of our products or materials. Contact us to discuss what you need.

01403 785141

Copyright © WT Lamb & Sons Limited, Trading and Lambs Bricks & Stone.
2025 All Rights Reserved Company Registered in England and Wales.
Samples are indicative of the texture and colour of our material.
No warranty is given or implied that goods will in all respects be equal to the sample.