Wealden Sussex Sandstone

Natural Fine Grade Sandstone Coursed Split Face (NFGS)

Fine Grade Natural Stone weathers from a warm honey colour to soft silvered autumn shades over time. It is an ideal natural stone to blend into a traditional or contemporary building and garden design.

This fine-grained, hard-wearing natural sandstone has been used for centuries in Europe to build public and private buildings. The stone masons at our Sussex quarry work with the characteristics of this lovely sandstone to produce a selection of precise-edged split stones.

Product Code: NFGS
Type: Honey coloured Coursed Natural Split Face Walling
Natural Fine Grade Sandstone Coursed Split Face (NFGS)


Sawn 5 sides with split face front.

Maximum Sizes (metres)

Height on bedLengthWidth
Sawn Six Sides0.6-


GeologyCarboniferous silica. Fine to medium grained particles with Glauconite, all cemented into a firm sandstone
ColourBuff with some green/grey colours and strata
TextureVery fine unique stone that is easy to carve with distinctive fine features and makes good split face walling

Recommended Uses

Dry stone walling
Garden features
Load-bearing walls
Non-load-bearing cladding & facing
Retaining walls & batters


Our experienced technical consultants would be happy to answer your questions about any of our products or materials. Contact us to discuss what you need.

01403 785141

Copyright © WT Lamb & Sons Limited, Trading and Lambs Bricks & Stone.
2025 All Rights Reserved Company Registered in England and Wales.
Samples are indicative of the texture and colour of our material.
No warranty is given or implied that goods will in all respects be equal to the sample.