Feature Stones

Building Grade Wealden Sussex Sandstone Rock Garden Stone

Honey colour, with some autumn colours with veining. Very fine textured unique stone that is easy to carve with distinctive fine features.

This rock garden stone is ideal for pond lining, retaining walls, water features and to plant around. The stone is selected from the quarry face and on occasion will contain a patina of age. This material is the ideal choice for the discerning landscape gardener.

Samples of rock garden stone are not available, but we welcome visitors to the quarry to select their own stones as sizes vary.

Building Grade Wealden Sussex Sandstone Rock Garden Stone


Random size, priced per m3.


Random lengths, course heights and depths.


GeologyLower Cretaceous, Tunbridge Wells Sand of deltaic origin consisting of cemented quartzose sand.
ColourHoney colour, with some autumn colours with veining.
TextureVery fine unique stone that is easy to carve with distinctive fine features.
Crushing StrengthAir dried 321 - 529kgf/cm2
WeightWater saturated 2524kg/m3
Acid immersion testpassed
Porosity (%volume)26.2%
Saturation coefficient0.67

Recommended Uses

Retaining walls, batters
Load-bearing masonry
Drystone Walling
Piers with limited height
Non load-bearing cladding and facings
Window surrounds
Boundary walls


Our experienced technical consultants would be happy to answer your questions about any of our products or materials. Contact us to discuss what you need.

01403 785141

Copyright © WT Lamb & Sons Limited, Trading and Lambs Bricks & Stone.
2025 All Rights Reserved Company Registered in England and Wales.
Samples are indicative of the texture and colour of our material.
No warranty is given or implied that goods will in all respects be equal to the sample.